I bought an extra Raspbery Pi 2 end of 2016 with a camera, and a battery pack.
I never got so far as building it.
My long term plans are to build a grandfather clock, it will be the grandfather clock to end all grandfather clocks. But that finished product is still 10 or so years away. Lots of other things need to take place fist before I get to that project.
I work colleague, has a 3d printer, and has some amazing projects that he is busy with. From 3d printed planes, to cnc machines.
Also Trish and I keep track of the rain fall in our suburb. She takes the reading, then WhatApps it to me and I add it into my Diary (a spreadsheet). We have been keeping track of it for 3 year so far. Btw the rainfall in Isandovale for the last 3 years was:
- 2016 - 458 mm
- 2017 - 689 mm
- 2018 - 593 mm
However I decided I would first build it using my Raspberry Pi. So after completing a few other (video) projects I started with the Rain meter project. The details will be in a separate blog post.
So my plans for 2019 are:
- More blog posts for the 2 people who read them.
(It actually is just a diary for myself) - Create a rain meter using the Raspberry Pi.
- Create a small
CNCpen plotter machine using floppy drives (like this). - Create a bigger CNC using NEMA17 motors like this.
- If there is time enhance the rain meter into a weather station.
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